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Zooba: Zoo Battle Royale Game

Size : 193.99 Mb
Version: 3.18.0
Updated: February 8, 2022
Size : 256.04 Mb
Version: 3.18.0
Updated: February 8, 2022

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【How to play】

Zooba: Zoo Battle Royale Games is an exciting mobile game where you compete against 45 other players in a zoo-themed battle royale. The primary objective is to win battles, eliminate enemies, and progress through the game's ranking system. To start, choose a character, like Flix, to embark on your journey.

Upon entering the game, it's crucial to complete the tutorial quickly to familiarize yourself with the controls and mechanics. You may notice a strategy of intentionally running into the fire during the tutorial to gain initial trophies and get a quick start.

As you proceed, you'll collect gems, which are essential for character upgrades. Investing in upgrading your character to level 2 enhances your abilities and increases your chances of success.

To unlock more characters, focus on winning battles, gathering trophies, and climbing the ranks. New characters become available as you achieve higher rankings and open various crates.

Speaking of crates, the game introduces different types, including bronze and gold crates. These crates contain various rewards, from gems to character unlocks. Timing the opening of gold crates is essential, as they often hold valuable character unlocks.

Continuously battle, defeat enemies, and accumulate trophies to progress and unlock new characters. Don't forget to open your bronze crates to gather gems and trophies necessary for character upgrades and unlocking new additions.

In Zooba, the key to success lies in honing your battle skills, upgrading characters, and strategically unlocking new characters as you climb the ranks. With dedication and strategy, you can become a formidable contender in the zoo-themed battle royale.

【Pros and cons】


1. Zooba offers a unique twist on the battle royale genre by introducing adorable animal characters battling it out in a zoo setting.

2. With over 20 fun characters and more being added, there's a wide range of playstyles and abilities to explore, making the game engaging and entertaining.

3. Upgrading characters and items adds depth to the game, allowing players to improve their abilities and increase their chances of victory.


1.Some players have expressed dissatisfaction with recent updates that removed certain in-game rewards like tickets and coins, replacing them with real-money purchases (soda cans), making progression more challenging without spending money.


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